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Landlord – Property Preparation

English     |     Italiano

Before check-in the Landlord should clear out the apartment from anything left from the previous tenant.

Also the Landlord should:

  • Clean the apartment well, a deep clean
  • Check smoke and Co2 alarms are working
  • Provide clean towels, linen and pillows in good condition, if included
  • Replace light bulbs, if necessary
  • Check air conditioning functions and has gas for at least 3 months
  • Replace batteries in TV, air-conditioning and other remotes.
  • Clean dish-washer filters and put salt
  • Empty wash and clean washing-machine filters
  • Clean taps and shower heads from calcium
  • Ensure drains aren’t blocked.
  • Hot water boiler works.
  • Check that all appliances work (TV, fridge, dishwasher, washing-machine, microwave, AC etc)
  • Replace obsolete and non-functioning appliances
  • Provide basic cleaning supplies for the tenant (broom & dustpan, mop & bucket, detergent, toilet paper, new dish cloth and detergent, clothes washing powder)

English     |     Italiano

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