If you are coming to Rome and wanna do something different than museums and tours, here are some alternative options that are off the beaten track not so far from Rome:
Buckle up!
Kite Surfing
OMG! This is amazing!
Being a total novice at kite surfing I did the complete course for beginners. 6 hours of individual lessons – a mixture of spoken theory, on the beach practice with the kite, in the water practice body dragging and finally on the board with the kite.
They offer shorter courses too, and also other activities like hydro foiling and they also cater for kids.
I was well impressed with the structure of the course:
- Safety was a priority from the beginning and throughout the course.
- Various techniques are well explained and the instructors drill the basics into you so they become second nature.
- They follow an international course curriculum so the important kite-surf terms you learn are English. This is useful if you intend to kite-surf in other countries or to do other courses. So you can continue your course where you left off and the terms will be the same.
- My instructor also spoke English ok.
- All kit and equipment supplied by them.
I saw a couple around 60 years old doing the course and having fun, so don’t find excuses.
The course location is near to Rome on the beaches of Maccarese at Nautin Club which is a fantastic place to hang out all day and grab lunch or an aperitivo. Best get a rental car or moto to get there – 50 minutes from central Rome.
Bear in mind this 6-hour course will take you at least 2-3 days to complete as you are reliant on the wind etc. So maybe find a hotel or rental for a few days and really enjoy the local area, which produces a lot of yummy fruit and veg and of course, wine.
You will need a recent medical certificate. See the website for more details.
Great value, and great fun! JUST DO IT!
A great day out. After a thorough safety briefing and safety skills overview, you get straight into the action up and down cliff faces etc.
I had a Kawasaki KX80 when I was 15 years old, and now I cruise around Rome on a motorino so I wasn’t a complete novice but for sure no expert. And as the KX80 was a few years ago, to say the least, I asked Massimiliano, the instructor to treat me as a novice.
The things I liked about this course:
- All kit supplied. And the kit and bike were top quality and specialty equipment for where we were heading : )
- Safety drills were a priority
- Max really explained things well and we went slow, at the beginning : ) Then when he saw how capable I was he changed the itinerary and upped the ante.
- They are flexible to design an activity that suits you, your level, your wishes, current climate, etc.
Awesome day, I was shattered afterward. It was more tiring than I expected.
This course was located up near the beaches of Santa Severa. However, they offer many courses or outings, so depending on your level and what you want to do you could end up anywhere. Chat with them and plan your day!
Stop being a gonad and do it!
Survival course
I always wanted to learn how to start a fire with some sticks...haven’t you? And I’m not talking about match sticks. That is now ticked of my bucket list after doing this course.
Surviving in the wilderness, living off the land. These skills couldn't be any more important than now.
What I really like about this course:
- Duration – 3 days in the mountains, actually camping out and living/learning these skills.
- Being in the great outdoors in the mountains which seemed another world yet only a couple of hours from Rome.
- Activities ranging from fire-starting, herb knowledge – learning which ‘weeds’ you can eat and which not, tracking animals, weather prediction, orientation, etc.
- Handbook - you get a handy handbook to take away.
- And of course Marco. He is an expert in his field. Marco lives and eats this. He is a doer AND a teacher. He pushes the limit by always endeavoring to further his knowledge and experience, not only in Italy but Africa, the USA, Canada, and more. Often the TV news asks for his expert advice and has featured in his own documentary.
I have done two of his courses which speaks for itself. More info here http://redfoxsurvival.com/
Escape the rat race and learn how to survive in the wild. Do it already!

Richard is the founder of Cribmed. He was born and grew up in New Zealand. In his twenties, he traveled and backpacked extensively before finally settling down in Rome, Italy in 2011.

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