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Are you an expat living in Milan and miss your hometown? Do you ever get the feeling that the city is so touristic that you cannot find a peaceful, cozy place where you can relax and listen to the silence?

Well, I have felt the same for more than a year! The good point is that through time I’ve managed to find my own peaceful, feels-like-home spaces in this beautiful city’s hidden streets. Despite its look from the outside, Milan still harbors these places where you can actually feel the authentic Italian vibes and get away from the busy city life for a moment. Just check out these places when you have time!




These two archeological places actually date back to the Roman Empire, where at that time, throughout Northern Italy there were only two circles; they were those of Aquileia and Mediolanum. The one in Milan (Circo Romano) stood next to the Imperial Palaces district and extended for over 200 meters from the present Via Ansperto to Via Torino.

One of these two access towers for the competitors survives and has been transformed into the bell tower of the church of San Maurizio at the Monastero Maggiore. Unfortunately, Milan suffered three big destructions and the Circus survives only as the name of a street and very few remains, a part is in this green space, part in some dividing walls of houses, part in the cellars of houses. A small memory of a great historical period.

Ciroco Romano

You can see that the historical place is left in the hands of nature’s destiny and it leaves a nice, peaceful scene where green surrounds these ruins.

The nice thing about this area is that it is surprisingly quiet and peaceful even though it is at a very central place. A few minutes, a few photos will be more than enough! Sometimes you can even see cats walking around. While thinking about the Italian history, you can sit in the new designed piazza and enjoy your time!

Here you can see the location:





This ancient library is the perfect place to study or to read a book in the past history! It dates back to 1899 and was founded by Corrado Ricci, Camillo Boito, Giuseppe Fumagalli and Gaetano M oretti. The library has grown over the years with both old and new documentary materials.

When you enter, you can see the huge collection and be astonished by its glory. The security of the library is very strict, they only allow you to enter with 1 book, 1 notebook and if you need, your laptop. You cannot take your bag with you for security purposes. Fortunately, they have lockers for you to store your valuable stuff.


Here you can see the location:






Ostello Bello is actually a hostel with a very friendly staff but you can use the restaurant & bar area, which is full of recreational activities such as games, some instruments, etc. Some nights there is live music in the base, and you get to meet people while hanging there or sometimes, it can be a central alternative for a sunday brunch.

The environment is very informal and the furnishings, apparently arranged at random, blend well with each other, with original and well-studied ideas: boards painted in various colors to cover the bar counter, an old suitcase hanging from the ceiling indicate the reception, the column with the OB pair in various shapes and sizes, the boxes with books and travel guides - it is still a hostel!


The meals are delicious and cheap, and there is a beautiful atmosphere. For the center of Milan, it is almost an impossible combination. So: Hostel Bello, must try!


Here you can see the location:






Inside the fallen park of Nassiriya and on the Martesana canal you will find Cascina Martesana, it is a very special place and surrounded by greenery. You can enjoy a beer and hear music in pleasant company on warm summer evenings. It is worth a visit, there is a subscription card that you can ask for at the reception which costs 5 euros. Otherwise you can enter up to the bar and there are tables for those without the card.


The good thing about subscription is that you can enjoy the new for many organized events of various kinds. It is not a particularly elegant place, but perfect for the relaxing and enjoying the live music. There is also a vegetable garden with plants of different origins

You can also book some nice outdoor grills to eat together. However, you can always eat from the menu, very good food quality, the hamburger is highly recommended!

Here you can see the location:





The Rotonda di via Besana is a place with public green, sometimes used also as an exhibition area for events. From the late Baroque era, it also houses a church that stands at its center in an area bordered by a portico. You can go there for lunch, where usually people enjoy their food in total tranquility.


It is one of the most beautiful places in Milan, especially in summer when you can enjoy the magnificent outdoor space. It is open to everyone and is great for both couples and friends. You can get together with your friends and spend a different day than usual, maybe a drink after work or a birthday. The place offers an excellent buffet and open wine. Priority to reservations, you only pay for drinks, admission is free. Ideal for spending family moments or celebrating recurrences as a child's birthday. In short, the park winds around the children's museum, but it is closed on Sundays.


Here you can see the location:





Richard is the founder of Cribmed. He was born and grew up in New Zealand. In his twenties, he traveled and backpacked extensively before finally settling down in Rome, Italy in 2011.

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