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If you’ve just moved or are about to move to Milan, you might be wondering what fields have the highest demand for expats, what are the best jobs and how do you get one. Well, don’t worry! Keep reading and find out everything you need to know.

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What are the best fields for expats?

Milan is easily the most international city in Italy, making it a popular choice among expats who are looking to find jobs and kickstart their careers. There are some fields that are easier for expats to navigate than others. Let’s have a look at them and see which one is the best fit for you.


The demand to learn English is very high especially in a business capital like Milan so there are constantly new schools popping up and old schools needing to invest in new staff, that’s why teaching could be very lucrative.

Teaching job milan


  • A flexible schedule that is perfect for those looking for both full-time and part-time positions
  • The demand for teachers is always high whether it be for schools, companies or individuals
  • You can try lots of different teaching methods and ages to find what works for you


  • It can be a little unstable at times depending on what type of contract you have


  • If you are applying for jobs in English schools that offer lessons to children and adults, you usually need to have:
    • A Bachelor’s Degree
    • A Teaching Certificate (like TEFL, CELTA or DELTA)
    • Some form of teaching experiences
  • Beware that it is usually really difficult to find jobs in state schools as a full-time primary or secondary school teacher as you’ll need to be a licensed teacher There’s not much information online about it as it isn’t a very popular choice but here is a link with some more information: https://www.teachaway.com/teach-in-italy

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Tourism is one of Italy’s main forms of revenue so it’s no surprise that it also provides a great number of jobs especially for English speakers. Not only does Milan have a booming tourism trade it’s also well connected to many other tourism hot spots which means one thing: more job opportunities.

Tourism Job Milan


  • This isn’t your classic 9-to-5 office job, being a tour guide will get you outside exploring the city and its surroundings
  • It’s the perfect job for a people person who loves to talk and meet new people
  • There are so many job opportunities in so many different places that you’ll never get bored


  • To become a tour guide, it’s hard work! You’ll need to take exams and get a license before you can start


  • Before you start applying for jobs in the tourism industry, you’ll need to:
    • Enrol in a tour guide course – while this isn’t essential, it’ll make you more attractive to potential employers and give you a solid base to start your career on
    • Get a license (beware it’s very difficult and competitive
    • Apply for positions or start your own business
  • Beware that you’ll need to have some basic Italian. The level depends on the company that you work for!

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Hospitality is one industry that will always be booming especially in Milan as it is a hub visited by both tourists and professionals. It’s a job that often needs an international touch and English speakers are frequently sought after with a plethora of job opportunities on offer.


Hospitality Job Milan


  • There are many positions available around Milan especially near the key tourist attractions
  • You can try out a whole host of positions and wear many hats
  • There is the chance to progress in your career and rise through the ranks


  • You’ll definitely need to have some other language skills because chances are your guests won’t always be English speakers


  • Depending on the position that you’re thinking of applying for, the requirements will vary greatly.
  • One skill that will be essential no matter what, is the ability to speak other languages especially Italian! If you’re a beginner, start with the Duolingo app and enrol in a course

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Milan is one of the fashion capitals of Europe and is home to many of the famous brands like Gucci and Prada. As the fashion industry is very international, there’s always a high demand for English speakers especially around Fashion Weeks.

Fashion Job Milan


  • It’s the perfect place for those who have a passion for fashion as you see fashion everywhere
  • As it’s international, English speakers should feel more than at home in Milan
  • There’s a lot of competition in the fashion industry so there are many job opportunities


  • The hours are notoriously long and hard so don’t expect this to be an easy job.

Food Industry

When we say food industry, we’re talking more specifically about the pizza industry. In Italy, there is a huge shortage of pizza makers which means that this is a gap in the market that expats could fill. You can bring the Italian stereotypes to life!

Pizza Job Milan


  • It’s perfect if you want to learn a new skill and embrace Italian culture
  • It’s a great stepping stone into the food industry – you could move into a different position as a chef
  • There’s a great demand for pizza makers so it could be a good starting point if you’re new to Milan


  • The hours for pizza makers are notoriously long and the work is very demanding for quite a low wage


  • If you want to become a pizzaiolo or pizza maker, you don’t need to have any qualifications, but you’ll probably need to have some Italian language skills if you’re going to work in an Italian restaurant.
  • You should probably take a course in order to do the best job you can and gain some experience.

Useful Links:

Now Hiring

Where should you look for a job?

Finding a job in Milan requires persistence! You have to be willing to put in the time and effort in order to reap the rewards. Here are some places where you may find a job.

Networking and word-of-mouth

  • Meeting people and making connections can really be the best way to find a position that you love
  • If you’re looking, tell people to keep you in mind!

Jobs in Milan


  • A site that has a huge variety of jobs spanning many fields
  • There are a lot of jobs so you might need to spend some time looking



  • A favourite among professionals around the world, just remember to keep your profile updated and connect with as many people as possible



  • A site that has a lot of new job postings every day


  • On the international and job pages of Facebook, you’ll find so many positions on offer that you might not find on job sites


Richard is the founder of Cribmed. He was born and grew up in New Zealand. In his twenties, he traveled and backpacked extensively before finally settling down in Rome, Italy in 2011.

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